
Istruzione, ricerca e professione

Verso l’eccellenza nelle vendite

Sales Education è il punto di convergenza per progetti innovativi dedicati all'evoluzione delle professioni di vendita in Europa. Il nostro hub connette studenti, ricercatori e professionisti, offrendo una panoramica delle iniziative all'avanguardia nel settore. Esplora i nostri progetti per scoprire come stiamo plasmando il futuro delle vendite attraverso la ricerca, la formazione e la collaborazione internazionale.



The LISA project aims to equip university students with the skills needed for inside sales roles by developing tailored educational programs and materials to bridge the talent gap in the commercial sector, ensuring graduates are prepared for emerging sales positions.


The LUCA project has set itself the goal of supporting commercial agents in refining and expanding their digital skills developing targeted training materials, and providing training that lays the foundation for future certification.


The project aims to create, test, disseminate and systematize an original learning format, based on e-learning platforms, for courses on international sales and digital selling at European level


The SMART project focuses on developing and implementing an innovative university curriculum that enhances students' skills in international sales management within the agri- food sector, using interactive and game-based learning methods. It aims to improve the competitiveness and visibility of EU agriproducts in global markets.


The S.M.I.Le project (Sales Management, Inter-culture, Learning) aims to create, test, validate, and promote a new educational standard by developing a skills dictionary for the emerging professional profile of the intercultural sales agent.


The INKAMS project (International Key Account Management & Sales), co-funded by the European Union's Erasmus+ program, aims to develop, pilot, disseminate, and establish a new university-based learning program focused on key account management.



Silvio Cardinali

Simone Severini

Alessandro Romoli


Email:  /  Phone: (+39) 0712207221

Referent: Prof. Silvio Cardinali

Disclaimer EU: The European Commission’s support to produce this publication does not constitute an endorsement of the contents, which reflect the views only of the authors, and the Commission cannot be held responsible for any use which may be made of the information contained therein.

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